Exciting days with the GreenFjord Consortium at the Extreme Environments Research Lab (EERL) coordinating next years research in South Greenland at Narsaq International Research Station
Narsaq International Research Station will function as a hub for the GreenFjord research programme’s six research clusters. The research station will function as an observatory for the project’s Atmosphere cluster and will also function as a project space working with the community of Narsaq
GreenFjord (Greenlandic Fjord ecosystems in a changing climate: socio-cultural and environmental interactions) is funded by a Swiss Polar Institute Flagship Grant and involves researchers from ten international research organisations.
Cryosphere: glacier calving and impact on fjord water and nutrient circulation
Ocean: physical and microbial characteristics of fjord systems
Biosphere: determination of biodiversity by means of environmental DNA
Atmosphere: influence of local natural emissions on cloud formation
Land: export of terrestrial organic matter to the ocean
Human: understanding the relationship between local livelihoods and fjord socio-ecosystems
Julia.schmale@epfl.ch (PI and atmosphere lead)